SACL works to educate, advocate, agitate and create social change. We believe that youth have wisdom, that their voices count and that they are a critical part of intergenerational and reciprocal dialogue.
More and more, the fluidity of gender is being challenged by youth, some of whom are part of the Queer and Trans communities, and all of whom are equally committed to, and invested in, the idea of a world free of sexual violence.
We try to create safe spaces to empower youth as leaders through participatory action and inclusive projects that allow them to see themselves as active collaborators whose ideas are valued and honoured. It helps youth understand that what is inside of them is strong, resilient, courageous and valuable and that they possess gifts and energy that can change the world. Youth activists make a difference by using their voices through culture jamming, demonstrations, guerilla theatre, spoken word, and chalking to re-define the kind of relationships and communities that they want to have.
Draw the Line
Draw The Line’ is an interactive campaign that aims to engage Ontarians in a dialogue about sexual violence. The campaign challenges common myths about sexual violence and equips bystanders with information on how to intervene safely and effectively. Please visit their site and learn more about Draw The Line. This campaign is one of the ways we enagge youth and adults to think about their role in creating our world without sexual violence.
Begin the Change
SACL was honoured to be a part of the Begin the Change event that highlighted the amazing work against violence that is happening in our community. Begin the Change is a movement geared at ending violence against women and children and is in collaboration with Victim and Survivors of Crime Week and the Middlesex Rural Alliance to End Violence Against Women.
In 2016, the keynote speaker was Glen Canning. Glen Canning is an advocate for victims of sexual assault. He is the father of Rehtaeh Anne Parsons, a Nova Scotia teenager who was sexually assaulted by four males at a home near Halifax in November 2011. Rehtaeh ended her life April 4th, 2013, following months of cyber-abuse and victim blaming. Glen has spoken about Rehtaeh’s case internationally and across Canada.
You can also learn more about Glen Canning on his website glencanning.com/
Begin the Change - Glen Canning from Frameworks Media on Vimeo.