Family & Friends
Your role as a supportive family member, friend, or concerned other is vital. Lending your care and support to a survivor of sexual violence is a privilege; however it can sometimes lead to feeling uncertain about how to best help. It may also evoke many feelings and emotions of your own.
Practicing good self care is just as important for you as it is for the person you are supporting. Getting adequate rest, eating well, exercising, and incorporating fun and enjoyment into your life are all necessary components to promoting health and wellness so that you have the energy and resources to support your loved one. You may also find it helpful to talk to a counsellor about your own feelings.
Sexual Assault Centre London provides support to the family, friends, and supportive others of survivors of sexual violence by providing information, consultation, and referrals.
If you are the parent(s) of a child who has been sexually abused, we offer brief support (1-3 appointments) to help you cope with the trauma that has impacted your family.
For more information, please contact us at (519) 439-0844. We are open Monday to Friday, 9am until 5pm.